Thursday, December 9, 2021

this is your mind on plants, michael pollan

 Don Victor on trauma -- 

"when any part of your body has been affected by destructive energies or trauma, the heart will close down to protect itself. a closed heart will not heal. it will not express its feelings. the mind becomes more active because the heart's not feeling anymore. the mind will go into the past or it will go into the future, which doesn't really exist, and it will get stuck in a chaos, between remembering the past and trying to go into the nonexistent future. and it will lose the gift of life, which is to live and be present in thee moment. that is why the word for a gift in spanish is presente." 

wachuma locates and unblocks the dense energies of trauma so that the mind might quiet and the heart might speak again, returning us to the gift that is the present moment. 

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