Sunday, June 10, 2012

Double Feature: Moonrise Kingdom/Promethus

Saturday morning at the cinema.

Moonrise Kingdom:
Beautiful formalism, precise detail in the cinematography and production design, choreography of shot-to-shot. But didn't feel anything for the characters who are essentially props giving line readings. Didn't buy into the love story, just young actors reading Wes Anderson dialogue. Very little emotional connection or investment.. Sat outside of the movie, studying the mise-en-scene, rather than in it.
And boy, what a mess of a third act. The story was done when the runaways are found, there's no where to go from there...

And then...

Vomitus mess. What story do you want to tell Ridley?  You can't tell three stories in one movie -- choose one and focus on it. Storytelling run completely amuck.

Both films concerned with the look, so much more than the content.

I might be done watching movies for a while.

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